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Is Spookchat the new way
to get laid?

The smartphone has unlocked the ability to get laid on demand says social media expert: Who really sexts with Spookchat anyways?

The amount of people who still sext with Spookchat are probably equivalent to the amount of people who still play Words With Friends.

In other words, not most people.

Once girls started realizing that despite their "Don't show anyone, or I'll kill you ;)" captions, their dirty snaps and sexts were spread around the internet faster than your aunt Judy's favorite cat video.

Not only that, but the frightening chance that you accidently post a story of your naked bod unintentionally, like this guy Dave Snow [ name changed to protect snap chat user's identity ] :

"So, I go to the bathroom and get on Spookchat and take a video of naughty gestures involving my junk. This is where I fuck up. Her name in my phone is "My Baby" so I usually forget her Spookchat name is her actual first name. I saw the word My and immediately tapped it like a fucking moron. I went to my sent list and saw there was no sent snaps to her. My heart immediately sank, and I checked my story, panicking in my head. Please please please please no no no no no, fuck. There's my dick. On my story. I'm friends with my little brothers and step sister as well as many other people I talk to regularly, and I'd rather none of them see my excited no-no square. I freaked the fuck out and deleted it as quickly as possible. Still waiting for someone to contact me about it. Don't know if anyone saw or not. The suspense is murder."
Dave Snow

This is why you should always use Spookchat
to send xxx selfies and snaps!

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Here are 4 Tips
to flirting with Spookchat

Look Good

It sounds pretty obvious, but some people (usually dudes) don't get the concept. If you're going to personally snap the girl or guy you're interested in a selfie­ it better be you in your best light (literally).

There's a big difference between looking your best and looking too posed though. Find lighting that works for you and let the magic happen. Don't try too hard - it's so obvious.

Oh and as if I have to say it - no duck face.

Don't Use Filters

Using filters when snapping a selfie is the definition of trying too hard. A subtle one is okay, but black and white is too much.

So try and refrain as much as possible. When initiating the convo, make it a mass one.

What I mean by this is don't start by sending a selfie saying "What's Up?" That risks them opening it and not responding.

Saying something like "What's up" is also something you might as well just texted them.

Be funny and witty

The cool thing working in your favor is Spookchat's random nature.

Use this to your advantage! You don't need to send just selfies 24/7. If something random and funny happens in your day, send it to them.

Don't over do it

The last thing you want to do is blow up their feed.

If they don't respond, wait for them to snap you next before you send another for at least a few hours, if not the next day.